Sunday, May 22, 2011

Manners....not just for old people.

Currently I'm reading "Bringing up Girls" by the great Dr. Dobson. In the chapeter "Teaching Girls to be Ladies", he says "Manners easily and rapidly mature into morals". .....Manners? The 21st century has often encouraged us as girls to be; crude, loud, profane, immodest, aggressive. That's in our nature. Does it not totally make sense that if we are taught "the rules" as young children such as manners....that later our heads would connect that our morals are important's "the rules" it's how you live life, it's how you build integrity, and it is ALL very very important.
 How can I teach my daughter manners in this world? Look at the world she is being exposed to!!! Instead of sitting here depressed at how dark and immoral this world has come to, there is hope people.
Statistically it is proven that a child brought up in the best private school, the most involved in church, being thrown into all that is most Holy....pales in comparison to what is being taught in the home. We all know this ~leading by example~. Also, children will remember repetition, traditions....something that has been done over and over such as: reading a story every night, bedtime routine....

Dinner together as a family

That's where manners are instilled! That's where the family connects. That needs to happen!! EVERY NIGHT!!!  Lets be real, maybe not every night....5 out of 7 at least. Dinner together as a family is a perfect way to show her by example, and repetition...things like....
Not interuppting (patience), waiting until everyone is served before you start to eat (thinking of others before you), praying (Christ centered life), and having these expectations of her while deepening our bond as a family.
"Don't put your elbows on the table or I'll poke you with my fork!!" No, that definately would not deepen our bond...hehe.
 In this horrible world where TV is constantly blaring ME ME ME she will learn most of what she needs socially through her manners. Call me an old fart or whatever, but I now know the meaning and importance of manners. And both my children will be shown the dinner table every (almost every) night.

I searched "image of etiquette" I thought this was pretty good...Mother and Daughter setting the table for their family? Really looking forward to this with her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Bringing Up Girls" is truly an amazing book. I'm about to read it for the second time to refresh my brain on its contents. I'm already working on manners with Bella- we just started. She's very young, but I don't want her to remember a time in her life when I didn't implement manners in my parenting. It's important right from the start, and Leeland will be trained up to be polite and respectful as well. You and I should go through the book together, and also "Bringing Up Boys"... that would be so fun! We could discuss the chapters and share ideas for implementing the knowledge into our daily lives!